Support Dear Huma

Hi! If you enjoy Dear Huma, might you consider supporting my work?

Creating Dear Huma every month is one of my favourite things to do. I love that it is an intimate space and that when I write to you, it feels like I am writing to a friend. When you reply to tell me that my email has moved you in some way, or has made you think differently about your own situation, or simply that it has put a smile on your face, it reminds me that what I do here is meaningful.

It matters to me that Dear Huma remains a safe space for everyone. Increasingly people write to me, sharing problems and feelings they haven’t shared with anyone else, trusting me to answer them with kindness and honesty. It is my way of sharing advice, on life and writing, and demystifying a little bit about the publishing and writing process which still sadly feels so inaccessible to so many of us.

I spend a lot of time on Dear Huma because it matters to me to create something that you will enjoy; something that will help you, or inspire you, or bring comfort. Something that feels valuable. It also matters to me that Dear Huma remains free and is not behind a paywall. Not everyone can afford to invest in my writing courses, and Dear Huma enables me to share advice regardless.

No matter how much I want Dear Huma to remain free, I also do very much understand why my fellow authors and journalists use paywalls or subscriptions. I really respect that. People who write for a living deserve to get paid for their words.

Instead of asking for subscriptions to support Dear Huma, I’d like to suggest that if you enjoy my newsletters, if you value the time, work and effort that goes into it, and if Dear Huma is a treat in your inbox, which is what I always intended it to be, then perhaps you might like to support it from time to time? In exchange; my writing, always.Thank you so much,

With love,
Huma x

Support Dear Huma

Support the running of Dear Huma for £1, £5, £10 or more